Posts tagged ‘wtf’

Time Machine

The dream of each and every man since the dawn of time (when exactly is that?) is that he wants to go back and forth in time. These show the attachment of man to something that has happened in the past and his lack of patience for what the future holds. I have read somewhere previously that “The best thing about tomorrow is that it comes only one day at a time”. This is so very obvious. But we still fail to notice it in our lives. What is it that prompts us to do such a thing?

The answer comes when we ask this question to ourselves. One may say he would want to travel back in time so that he could have prevented something bad from happening. Another might say he would want to know what would happen in his future and subsequently make his life simpler. This as most would agree, are very logical and perfectly acceptable wishes.

But it is not so. I am not too very religious, but there is a very reverberating saying in the Bhagavad Gita that goes like – “What has happened has happened very well; what is happening is happening very well and what is going to happen will also happen very well”. This is one of the most intriguing sayings that caught my attention at a very young age itself. I am not trying to get too philosophical by saying all this. But all I am saying is, the wait will be worth it! And the things that have happened serve us as sweet memories or painful lessons which will be helpful for our future.

So folks, there is no necessity for a time machine at all. But man still wishes to conquer time. This is also due to his desire to control nature. There is still a painful lesson to be learnt – None can control nature and time even if he manages to stop his watch somehow. 🙂 Just kidding, But that is the fact. Live with it. Stop pondering over the things that have already happened and don’t worry about what is going to happen in the future. All these are well left untouched by our minds when we are occupied. So enjoy your life and don’t try to stop yourself from having a WTF!? moment. Adios amigos! Until next time! 🙂

October 2, 2008 at 8:30 PM 15 comments


Ever felt like shouting WTF when you see something unbelievable? Well I know I have. Why is it that people do unbelievable things? Adrenaline! I do it for that BLAST of adrenaline; but very rarely. For example, ride my bike as though I was involved in a high speed police chase. Its not safe! Sure, I know. But that feeling you get when you actually go through with it is AWESOME! Once in a while is alright. But people tend to become adrenaline junkies, which is not safe both for themselves and for the people around them. Adrenaline is fine if it is limited.

But that aside, did YOU ever feel your life is boring? I suggest you do something out of the ordinary. Again, I am not suggesting that you do dangerous things which endanger the lives of you and the people around you. Try something safe. For example, climb a tree. But make sure there are no honey-combs in it.:P 😀

Have fun people. Scream out WHAT THE FUCK when you can. LIVE LIFE LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!

July 8, 2008 at 1:51 PM 12 comments