Two sides of the same coin

January 17, 2011 at 11:46 PM 7 comments

Two sides of the same coin”.  One may have come across this famous idiom stated using other words such as; “Two ends of a telescope”. Even though the words differ and mean something very different when taken in the literal sense, they both mean that there are always two ways to look at a problem or person. The idiom might have other meanings too, but I choose to consider this particular meaning for my post.

What exactly does it mean?

When one looks at any situation from one single perspective the person is biased; positive or negative doesn’t matter. What does matter is that when any situation is considered from different viewpoints it becomes clearer and easier to understand which is the wrong side if there ever is such a thing.

Why do I speak about this now?

Something that my brother recently said keeps ringing in my mind. Nowadays my brother’s gyaan (advice) is occupying many of my philosophical thought processes. That aside, He said that life is one huge balancing act. Neither side can be taken in most situations. And neither can be left out. Always look at both sides of the coin before making any decision. This is the case when one is involved in two different parties.

The simplest example is when a person is the confidante of two people who don’t really like each other. The sanity of the person who is the common factor can be greatly doubted if the person is not capable of handling the weight on either side. If you learn to do this properly, then not even one problematic situation can get the better of you.

I thought long and hard about this and ended up deciding one thing. Never make uninformed decisions. I know most people would scoff at this and say, “This is what we are taught since when we were children”. To them I say only this. We were taught many values when we were children. If we followed even half of those not only will we be successful, but so will our glorious nation.

On a closing note I would like to say thanks to my wonderful brother (Mukundan P) who keeps enlightening me each passing day. I am proud to call you my bro. Signing off, Pavan a.k.a Anniyan. Have a nice day. 🙂

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7 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Su  |  January 18, 2011 at 8:51 AM

    u have started understanding your biggest resource better dude – your brother. 🙂 another of his, which helped me at the right time – If u fail to plan, u plan to fail!

    • 2. Anniyan  |  January 18, 2011 at 4:23 PM

      Dude… I had started to understand that he’s my biggest resource long back… It’s only recently that I have found out how to use it… 🙂

  • 3. mag  |  January 22, 2011 at 6:04 PM

    You are making me a demi god….which I am not…. If only everyone could understand the essence of life faster….. U wud not require people like me….

    • 4. Anniyan  |  January 22, 2011 at 6:33 PM

      Hey… Come on… I am sure there are lots of elder brothers out there who give good advice to their their siblings. But for me, you are a “demi-god” as you put it. 🙂 Everyone requires a guide a some or the other time in their lives… And not everyone is well versed in the understanding of the most unexplainable phenomenon; LIFE.

  • 5. Megha Sridhar  |  April 28, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    This one opens up one’s view to things which seem mundane, but are not.
    When a coin has two sides, I say life puts us through situations that have umpteen vantage points, not only two.
    Your posts always trigger some brainstorming. And that’s something I love the most in your blog.

  • 6. gtvtwinw  |  November 11, 2011 at 1:44 AM

    two sides of the same coin= same shit , different pile. You dig it?

  • 7. Marry for love | Love & Essence  |  March 11, 2015 at 12:02 AM

    […] are two sides to a coin right? Well, so does the statement “marry for […]


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